Sunday, 18 October 2015

Week 6: The Proximity Sensor

Objective: To identify about and research about sensors


There are many type of sensors currently being used nowadays. In this project, I need to find a suitable sensor that suitable for the DC motor. This components is the most important part. The sensor must detect the narrow and thin needle of the DC motor. My idea of the position of the sensor which will be placed on the front and rear car.

Below is the suitable sensor that I think could integrate with the DC motor

  1. Proximity Sensor

  • A proximity sensor is a sensor able to detect the presence of nearby objects without any physical contact. A proximity sensor often emits an electromagnetic field or a beam of electromagnetic radiation (infrared, for instance), and looks for changes in the field or return signal. The object being sensed is often referred to as the proximity sensor's target. Different proximity sensor targets demand different sensors. For example, a capacitive photoelectric sensor might be suitable for a plastic target; an inductive proximity sensor always requires a metal target. The maximum distance that this sensor can detect is defined "nominal range". Some sensors have adjustments of the nominal range or means to report a graduated detection distance. Proximity sensors can have a high reliability and long functional life because of the absence of mechanical parts and lack of physical contact between sensor and the sensed object.

  • One of the application of this sensor is on a modern smart phone. For example, if there is an outgoing or incoming call on a smart phone and a person will start moving the cellphone towards his or her ear to listen to the other person, the device’s proximity sensor detects that the phone is very close to his or her face. The proximity detector signals the motherboard to disable the phone’s touch-sensitive display to prevent the person inadvertently activating an icon on the screen with his or her face. When the person move the phone away from your head, the proximity sensor detects the change and reactivates the touch-sensitive display.

In term of this project with the proximity sensor, if the proximity sensor detects a needle crosses the sensor it will send a signal to the PIC and automatically sends an SMS through the GSM modem.


For this week i know a little how the sensor function using in real life.

WEEK 5 - The Block Diagram


Objective: To identify the overall picture of the system of the project.


After Hours of research, I have created a block diagram of the system. This is only a draft block diagram which shows the components needed to build this project. Below is the block diagram:

           1. When the start button is pressed the motor moves at normal speed
           2. When the sensors detect rear objeck motor speed will increase.
           3. When the front sensors detect an object motor speed will decrease
           4. When the interrupt button is pressed the motor will stop . ( break )


I need to identify and make researches about all the components needed.

week 4 - The Proposal Report Part I

To discuss on how to proceed with the proposal report.


 I visited my supervisor, Madam Azliza Bte Mohd Arshad, seeking about the proposal report. He explained briefly about the report and what should be in it. Below are the list needed in the proposal report that is essential; 
  1. Title Page 
  2. Abstract 
  3. Table of Contents 
  4. Introduction 
  5. Problem Statement 
  6. Literature Review 
  7. Methodology 
  8. Objectives 
  9. Benefits/ Contributions 
  10. Work Plan 
  11. Budget 
  12. Conclusion 
  13. References 
Then, I explained what I have been research about my project. He also suggested that I needed to save up a sum of money to buy components needed for my project. He also suggested to list up the components needed.

The meeting went briefly.


Further research is needed and I have to list certain components for my project.

Thursday, 1 October 2015


Title of activity

  • Research on proposed project.
  • To represent the suitable tittle
  • To finalize our project title for FYP.
  • To find information that connected to proposed project.


  • Search in the internet information that related to this project.
  • I find the several type of security system and their details and I need time to precisely choose the details to this project.
  •  I also find some proposal project that has been done by previous people.
  • I need more time and find some information that related to this project. 
  • After doing some research on my final year project, I have decided the project which is:-

"Devolepment of security car to avoid accident using microcontroller". 


My supervisor Madam Azliza Bte Mohamad Arshad from the electronic section of the Administration Building of University Kuala Lumpur British Malaysian Institute has agreed with tittle and i can proceed further with my project. 


Title of activity
  • Finding a suitable project title.
  • Chose Madam Azliza Bte Mohamad Arshad as the supervisor.
  • Discuss with advisor about title.
  •  find the supervisor that can help guiding us for FYP.


- To find the supervisor among lecturer at any section.
- To research on suitable project title for FYP.


- We are regaired to find supervisor that can guiding us from beginning ( FYP 1) until the project completely finished (FYP 2).
- From the short listed project title that been prepared , we need to choose several topic and doing research.
- Lecturer that be my supervisor is Madam Azliza Bte Mohamad Arshad from Department of Electronic.
- We start doing research from the internet on some of the project listed that is Devolepment of security car to avoid accident using microcontroller
- Research is still going on.



In conclusion. i know how to finalize our project tittle for FYP. more than that i know to expose to FYP student the procedure of FYP.