Thursday, 12 May 2016

Week 14 - presentation day

Presentation Day!!!!

vaneu : Dewan Gemilang
Time  : 9am - 12pm
No.     : 15

this picture show the name of accessor.
Ascessor 1 : Kamalulfaizin Mohd Suhut
Ascessor 2 : Norhaslinawati Ranli

this picture shown before the accersor coming.

This picture show the team of Madam Azliza Mohamed arshad

WEEK 13 - FYP2 poster , FYP2 briefing #6 and finishing touches project

final year project 2 poster
For this week, I have to design a poster on the presentation day will explain next week. the poster was there:

1. objective
2. project discription
3. methodology
4. The flow chart
5. Result
6. conclusion
6. references

Final Year Project 2 briefing #6
this is the last briefing before presentation day. These briefing describe which occurred on the day of presentation. It also explains what to do and not to do.

Finishing touches project
the last part for this project before presentation is circuit pack and label

Week 12- Make the calibration of ultrasonic sensor and Motor of car

   from this week, to calibrate the ultrasonic sensor and motor, I must troubleshooting the coding because car can't go straight because one of the Tyre got problem. The sensor will sense the object front and behind the car.

 make the  object to car to sense the object using ultrasonic sensor.

make the calibration of ultrasonic sensor and test  to drive the car to follow .
until location

Monday, 2 May 2016

Week 11- Make the track to car move straight

     In this week, I locate the palace to find the shop that sell the big card board. Pustaka Rakyat sell the card board that available to me to create the track car. By using  card board and I implement to create the track that will drive the car to locate the location.

     Besides that, after I create the track and make the testing of ultrasonic to sense the track and the car can drive bye following the the track to the location

By using card board and make the track of car

The track will drive the car to locate the location 

Week 10 - FYP2 briefing #4

FYP briefing #4 final report writing workshop S1 2016

1) To explain all student FYP2 how to write a strong thesis statement
2) content to include in final report and distribution odd percentage

During this week 10 basically student was exposed to briefing about making the final report for FYP2. The briefing was conducted by madam Pusparini Dewa Abdul Aziz in TTL hall from 2.30pm until 5.30 and attendace of all student that taking the FYP was compulsory.

During the briefing, the FYP committee has given briefing us about the point that must put in thesis :

1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. literature review
4. Methodology
5. Result and Discussion
6. Conclusion and Future development
7. References
8. Organization/Format

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Week 9 - combine circuit and hardware

For this week i try to combine the circuit with the hardware.

This picture shown the circuit that want to combine with the car. The circuit have done test at last week

This picture shown car model that i buy at Jalan Pasar at rm 42.00. This car model car model come for two dc motor 6v.

this picture shown the combine circuit and hardware. the sensor from the circuit i put at front and behind the car.

Saturday, 9 April 2016

WEEK 8 - Test the component (LCD)

First step of constructing the LCD with arduino is to construct the overall look of the interface.

During test this LCD i got one problem. The LCD has "bug" when the motor is running.
I try to fix this problem, put the capacitor to filter the current but the problem still can't fix


  After reseach this problem at internet to fix this problem i must use the Driver motor L293D shield

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Week 7- Make the PCB

Step to etching pcb
Step 1: Design

Step 2: Print out the design onto the shiny side of the transfer paper

Step 3: Sand the copper plate so there is a rough surface for the design to stick to when transferred

Step 4: Wash the copper with some water and rubbing alcohol and let it dry

Step 5: Cut out the designs and place them face down on the copper

Step 6: Run the copper plate with the design face down through a laminator 5-7 times until the plate is hot

Step 7: After running the plate through a laminator or iron place the plate into a cold bath and agitate until the paper floats off

Step 8: Place the PCB into the etching solution and agitate for 25-30 minutes or until all the copper has dissolved around the design

Step 9: Once all the copper is gone rinse it in the water bath, let it dry and use rubbing alcohol to whip off the ink transferred onto the PCB

Step 10: And now you have an etched PCB board but you still need to drill the holes

WEEK 6 - Test the component

First step of constructing the sensor Interface with arduino is to construct the overall look of the interface.
Overall look :

After completing the look of the sensor, the source code need to be added in order for the interface to work. The source has the code needed for the interface to interact with the arduino and sensor.

week 5 Find The Electronic Components and Build Code

1) Find the electronic Component

This week I went to the Jalan Pasar to buy some of the components, Hopefully, the components that I buy at Jalan Pasar will be function when it be to assemble together. 

2) build code

 This week I build code and burn hex code into arduino Mega

Saturday, 27 February 2016

week 4 - FYP2 BRIEFING

The briefing was conducted at 3 pm at TTL1. The briefing was meant to give some explanation to all final year project 2 student . The briefing is about :

  1. introduction
  2. Objective
  3. Credits and duration
  4. Scope of project
  5. Title selection
  6. Project assessment
  7. Presentation day
  8. Submission date of project

the assessment scheme

The briefing at TTL 1 

WEEK 3 - construct the test circuit in protues

For this week i done to construct the circuit project using protues. 

Construct the circuit Arduino Uno, LCD 16 x 2, motor, push button and ultrasonic sensor using protues because to know the function of pin in arduino and know how to operate the pin. More than that this protues software is easy to construct and trace the error in circuit.

The buzzer and LED

The LCd 16 x 2 display

The push button and motor

The ultrasonic sensor

week 2 - Download and installing software

In week 2, i downloaded the software needed and testing around with the software. This a process to get familiarize with the software that later will be used to develop the system.

1) Proteus

I used this software because easy to do simulation for the project and it compability to software keil that i using. 
furthermore protues PCB design combine the isi schematic capture and ARE PCB LAYOUT program to provide a powerfull, intergrated and easy to use suite of tools of professional PCB design. 


• Produces publication quality schematic
• Style templates allow customization of supplied library
• Mouse driven context sensitive user interface
• Automatic wire routing and junction dot placement
• Full support for buses including sub- circuit ports and bus pins
• Large and growing component library of over 8000 parts

2. Keil

Keil C51 is the industry-standard toolchain for all 8051-compatible devices, it supports classic 8051, Dallas 390, NXP MX, extended 8051 variants, and C251 devices. The µVision IDE/Debugger integrates complete device simulation, interfaces to many target debug adapters, and provides various monitor debug solutions.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

FYP2 week 1

Title of Activity: Preparation for FYP2

  • Progress activities for the Degree Semester 2 Final Year Project by meeting with the supervisor in discussing more detail about the project.
  • Preparation on project hardware, software and buying the component of the project.

  •  The supervisor asks the students to start doing the project.
  •  The discussion between the supervisor and students about the components and equipment.

Result & Analysis:

After surveying the component for the week, here the list of the component that has been brought:
  1.     1 unit of Arduino Uno R3 Controller - RM 90.00
  2.     2 unit of Ultrasonic Sensor - RM 10.00
  3.     1 unit of car for base of the robot - RM 10.00

The project is in progress.